Chambers, B. (2021). A psalm for the wild-built. Tordotcom, a Tom Doherty Associates Book.
Chambers, B. (2022). A prayer for the Crown-Shy. Tordotcom, a Tom Doherty Associates Book.
El-Mohtar, A., & Gladstone, M. (2019). This is how you lose the time war. Saga Press.
Free Lives & Clockwork Acom. (2023). Terra Nil [Logiciel]. Devolver Digital. https://www.terranil.com
Mandragora. (2024). I Am Future : Cozy Apocalypse Survival [Logiciel]. TinyBuild. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1658040/I_Am_Future_Cozy_Apocalypse_Survival/
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Emmanuelle Lescouët (3 janvier 2025). corpus d’oeuvres : Hope et solar punk. Imaginarium. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/13060